Publications of Eduardo D. Sontag jointly with L. Rosier
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. L. Rosier and E.D. Sontag. Remarks regarding the gap between continuous, Lipschitz, and differentiable storage functions for dissipation inequalities appearing in H infinity control. Systems Control Lett., 41(4):237-249, 2000. [PDF] Keyword(s): viscosity solutions, H-infinity control.
    This paper deals with the regularity of solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi Inequality which arises in H-infinity control. It shows by explicit counterexamples that there are gaps between existence of continuous and locally Lipschitz (positive definite and proper) solutions, and between Lipschitz and continuously differentiable ones. On the other hand, it is shown that it is always possible to smooth-out solutions, provided that an infinitesimal increase in gain is allowed.



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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 23:56:58 2024
Author: sontag.

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