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List of Publications of Eduardo D. Sontag: Index
Selection by year

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989
1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980
1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1972

Selection by category

Books and proceedings Thesis Articles in journal or book chapters
Conference articles Internal reports

Selection by author


A A. Adadey D.K. Agrawal M.A. Al-Radhawi
R. Albert F. Albertini A. Al'Khafaji
U. Alon M.C. Altman R. Alur
Z. Aminzare Z. An M. Andrec
B. Andrews D. Angeli A. C. Antoulas
A. Arapostathis M. Arcak T. Asano
J.A. Ascensao A. Astolfi R.H. Austin
B J. L. Balcázar X. Bao S. Barish
J. Barton J. Bassaganya-Riera P. Bastiaens
R. Baz Y. Benenson M.R. Bennett
C. Benoist P. Berman M. Bin
M. R. Birtwistle D. Biswas K.M. Blacklock
F. Blanchini L. Bleris V.D. Blondel
N. Bluthgen E. Brenner A. Brock
F.J. Bruggeman S. Bruno R.T. Bumby
A.J. Butte
C H. Chang J. G. Chase M. Chaves
D.T. Chen Lu Chen P. Chen
T. Chen Y. Chitour K.-H. Cho
W. Cho M. Chyba G. Cipriani
P.G. Cipriani F.H. Clarke P. Cluzel
A. Collins N. Comandante-Lou C. Cosentino
N.J. Cowan G. Craciun F. R. Cross
C. Cubitt L. Cui
D M.A. Dahleh W. Dalton C. Darken
B. DasGupta S.N. Dashkovskiy B.N. Datta
P. Datta N. Davidsohn J.D. Day
A. Dayarian B. de Freitas Magalhães M. Marcondes de Freitas
A. de la Fuente P. de Leenheer A. C. B. de Oliveira
A.C.B de Olivera D. Del Vecchio D. Densmore
W. Desch H. Dewan M. di Bernardo
B.W. Dickinson W. Dicks R.J. Dinerstein
A. Distler E.M. Dolan M.J. Donahue
R. Dondi G. Duclos R. Durrett
O. Dushek A. Duvall
E D.V. Efimov H. El-Samad A.D. Ellington
G.A. Enciso K. Erickson E. Ernst
F G. Fan V.I. Fernandez J. E. Ferrell
J.E. Fitzgerald
G S. Gaglione K. E. Galloway R. Garcìa
A. Gardner R. Gatenby R.A. Gatenby
R. Gavaldà T. Gedeon D. Geiger
M.L. Gennaro T.T. Georgiou J.L. Gevertz
C.L. Giles R. Gillies G. Giordano
A. Gitter D. Glass L. Goentoro
J.M. Greene L. Grune J. Gunawardena
K. Gunsalus G. Gürsoy L. Gurvits
S. Guzman
H D.A. Hafler M. Hafner A.O. Hamadeh
R. Hammond B. Hancioglu J. Hanson
Y. Hart M.L.J. Hautus R. Hegde
T.A. Henzinger N.E. Hernandez E.A. Hernandez-Vargas
J. Hershberger J.P. Hespanha M.W. Hirsch
C Hixahuary Sanchez Tapia J. Hoek J. B. Hoek
H. Hong G. Howard J. Huang
I P. Iglesias O.A. Igoshin I. Incer
B.P. Ingalls A. Isidori F. Ivich
R. Iyengar
J T. Jacobson B. Jakubczyk A.S. Jarrah
A. Jarrett D. Jatkar A.C. Jiang
Z.P. Jiang C.R. Johnson K. Johnson
P. Joshi K. Josic M.R. Jovanovic
K M.A. Kaashoek S. Kachalo Y. Kam
T. Kang H.-L. Kao I. Kareva
A. Y. Katsov S.D. Khare P.P. Khargonekar
B.N. Kholodenko J. Kim J. K. Kim
A. Kiyatkin S. Klamt C.A. Klausmeier
S. Kleinstein P. Koiran W. Kolch
R. Koplon C. Krenz M. Krichman
P. Kruger N.S. Kumar P. Kuusela
M. D. Kvalheim
L G.A. Lafferriere M. Lang J. Larsch
R. Laubenbacher D. Lauffenburger D.A. Lauffenburger
Y.S. Ledyaev H.-G. Lee J. Lee
B. Lees S. Legewie N.E. Leonard
S.A. Levin A. Levine H. Levine
R.M. Levy Y. Li D. Liberzon
J.-R. Lin T. Lin Y. Lin
Z. Lin L. Liu W. Liu
Z. Liu H. Logemann
M W. Maass A. Maayan A. Macintyre
V. Maillot M. Malisoff J.L. Mancilla-Aguilar
K. Manoj N. Mansouri L. Marconi
S. I. Marcus M. Margaliot R. Marshall
A. Mayo M. Meads A. Megretski
J.H. Meldon P. Mendes F. Menolascina
S. D. Merajver A.J. Meyer J. Miller
M. Miller M. Mischiati W. Mo
R. Moore L. Moreau D. Morgan
A.S. Morse E. Munarriz R.M Murray
N V. H. Nagaraj T. Naka T. Natschläger
D. Nesic J. Nguyen T. Nguyen
M. Niedre E.V. Nikolaev A.J. Ninfa
S. Nishida V. Noireaux N. Nolan
O M.F. Ochs D. Ocone A. Olshevsky
N. Ozay
P A. Paaby J. Pach J.P. Padmakumar
A. Pandey C. Pantea P. Paul
K. Pecani L. Perez E. Peterson
J. Pettmann F. Piano R.J. Plemmons
G. Pogudin J. R. Pomerening S. Prabakaran
L. Praly S. Prosperi P. E. M. Purnick
Q Y. Qian Y. Qiao
R M. Raginsky S.J. Rahi K. Rattanakorn
A. Raveh E. Read D. Rebatchouk
A. Rendall J. Riehl L. Rifford
T. Riley L. Rosier Y. Rouchaleau
A. Rufino Ferreira R. Rusconi G. Russo
E.P. Ryan
S M. Sadeghi C. Sanchez-Tapia T. Santra
L. Scardovi G. Schnitger C.A. Schwartz
R. Schwarzschild S.C. Sealfon T.H. Segall-Shapiro
A. M. Sengupta Y. Shafi K. Shain
V. Shimoga O. Shoval M. Siami
H.T. Siegelmann A. Silva M. Silva
A. Singh G.S. Sivanathan M. Skataric
H.L. Smith S.P. Smriga J. Song
E.D. Sontag P.K. Sorger D. Souivaine
D.E. Stevenson R. Stocker H.A. Stone
J.C. Sturm A.I. Subbotin S. Subramanian
P. Sudalagunta B. Sun S. Suri
H.J. Sussmann M. Sznaier
T S.K. Tan A.R. Teel A.P. Tran
N. Trendel S. Tripathi K. Tsaneva-Atanasova
J.S. Tsang D.N.C. Tse J.N. Tsitsiklis
T. Tuller Q. Tyles
V N.A.W. van Riel W. Vasconcelos A. Veliz-Cuba
A. C. Ventura P. Vera-Licona M. Vidyasagar
Y. Vodovotz C.A. Voigt
W J. Wang L. Wang S. Wang
Y. Wang D.J. Waxman A.M. Weinstein
R. Weiss K. Westbrooks H.V. Westerhoff
A. White J.T. White J.C. Willems
A.L. Williams F.R. Wirth W. M. Wonham
K. Wood A. Wu J. Wu
Zhong Han W.Z
X A. Xia Z. Xie
Y Y. Yamamoto L. Yang Y. Yang
T. Yankeelov P. Yu X. Yu
Z A. Zador Y. Zarai D. Zeilberger
A. Zelikovsky R. Zhang Y. Zhang
Y. Zhou A. Zloza
? W. Cho 3

Selection by keyword


A accessibility active sensing adaptation
adaptive control adversarial attacks Aerotaxis
aircraft airplanes algorithms
analog computing antithetic feedback approximation theory
artificial intelligence autoencoders
B B. subtilis Bi-layer membrane bifurcations
bilinear systems biochemical networks biochemical networks with inputs
biochemical reaction networks biochemical systems biological adaptation
Biological systems biomolecular networks bistability
Boolean Boolean circuit reduction Boolean circuits
Boolean functions boolean gates Boolean networks
boolean systems bounded inputs
C cancer cancer heterogeneity cell biology
cell differentiation Cell-fate networks cell-free systems
cell signaling cellular signaling centrality
chaos chaotic systems checkpoint inhibition
chemical master equation chemical master equations chemical networks
chemical reaction networks chemical rection networks chemoresistance
chemotaxis chemotherapy circadian rhythms
circulating tumor cells complex-balanced networks complex balancing
computation by cortical microcircuits computational complexity computational geometry
consensus consistent graphs continuous time
contractions contractive systems Control
control-Lyapunov functions control oriented learning controllability
cooperative systems coprime factorizations counters
COVID COVID-19 critical points
cyclic feedback systems cyclophosphamide
D data-driven control delay-differential systems detectability
differential inclusions differential topology differentiation
diffusion direct optimization discontinuous feedback
discrete-time discrete-time systems dissipative systems
distributed computation DNA barcoding DNA methylation
dose response drug interactions drug resistance
duality dynamic compensation dynamic response phenotypes
dynamical systems
E empirical risk minimization EMT entrainment
enzymatic circuits enzymatic cycles enzymatic networks
epidemics epidemiology epigenetic regulation
epigenetics epithelial-mesenchymal transition evolution
F fading memory fading-memory systems FCD
feedback feedback control feedback linearization
feedback stabilization feedforward feedforward loops
feeedback fluxes fold-change detection
forced oscillations futile cycles
G gene and protein networks gene copy number gene expression
gene networks gene regulatory networks gene regulatory systems
generalization bounds genetic circuits genetic regulatory networks
Genetic regulatory systems geometry global stability
gradient descent gradient systems graph algorithms
H H-infinity control H2 norm heat conduction
Heuristic logic minimizer Hidden Markov Models homeostasis
hopf bifurcations hybrid systems
I identifiability identification IFFL
iISS image processing immune recruitment
immune system immunology immunotherapy
in vitro synthetic biology incoherent feedforward loop incoherent feedforward loops
incremental gains infections information-based complexity
innovations input to output stability input to state stability
input/output system representations instantons integral feedback
integral input to state stability internal model principle intratumor heterogeneity
invariance principle Ising spin models ISS
J jump Markov processes
K k-cooperative dynamical systems kinetic proofreading Koopman embedding
L learning learning theory Lie algebra accessibility
Lie algebras limit cycles linear systems
liquid biopsy logarithmic norms logic optimization
LQR Lyapunov functions
M machine learning MAPK cascades Markov Chains
mass transfer resistance Master Equation mathematical biology
mathematical modeling mathematical models matrix measures
measurement noise metastasis methylation
metronomic metronomic chemotherapy minimum phase
minimum-phase systems miRNA model discrimination
model-driven antibody design model-free control model reduction
Modelling modular response analysis modularity
moduli spaces molecular biology molecular networks
moments monotone systems multiple myeloma
multistability multistationarity
N network reconstruction network translation networks
neural networks noise-to-state stability non-expansive systems
non-holonomic systems noncommutative rings nonlinear control
nonlinear dynamics nonlinear regulation nonlinear stability
nonlinear systems
O observability observables observation space
observers ODE models oncology
oncolytic therapy optimal control optimal control theory
optimal synthesis optimal therapy optimization
optimization problems oscillations output to state stability
P p53 Pandemics parameter identification
parametric classes of systems partial differential equations passive systems
passivity path-planning pattern formation
perfect adaptation periodic behavior periodic behaviors
periodic inputs persistence personalized therapy
Petri nets phenotype phenotypic plasticity
phenotypic variation piecewise linear systems pluripotent cells
pluripotent stem cell circuit Poincare-Bendixson pole-shifting
polynomial systems population dynamics positive feedback systems
positive systems probabilistic probability theory
protease-based circuits protein networks
Q quantitative systems pharmacology quasimetric spaces quorum sensing
R random dynamical systems reachability reaction cordinates
reaction-diffusion PDEs real algebraic geometry real-analytic functions
realization theory receptor-ligand models recurrent neural networks
reinforcement learning resistance resource competition
retroactivity reverse engineering RFM
ribosome flow model ribosomes robotics
robust robustness robustness measures
S sampled-data systems sampling SARS-CoV-2
satellite control saturation scale invariance
search problems secant condition segment polarity network
semianalytic sets sensitivity shattering
sign-regular matrices signal transduction networks single-cell data
singular controls singular perturbations singularities in optimization
small gain small-gain theorem spatially distributed systems
stability stabilization state-affine systems
stationary distribution statistical learning theory statistics
steepest descent stem cells stochastic
stochastic systems stoichiometry structured uncertainty
subanalytic sets subharmonic responses sufficient statistics
super-Turing computation supermodular optimization switched systems
symmetries synchronization synthetic biology
system identification systems biology systems identification
systems over rings systems without drift
T T cells theory of computing theory of computing and complexity
therapy resistance toggle switch toggle switches
toric varieties tracking traffic systems
transcription transcription factors transcriptional networks
transient behavior transient diffusion translation
tridiagonal systems tSNE Turing instabilities
V VC dimension viscosity solutions visualization
Volterra series
Z zero-deficiency networks

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Last modified: Fri Sep 20 11:51:29 2024
Author: sontag.

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