Publications about 'consensus'
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Z. Aminzare and E.D. Sontag. Some remarks on spatial uniformity of solutions of reaction-diffusion PDEs. Nonlinear Analysis, 147:125-144, 2016. [PDF] Keyword(s): contractions, contractive systems, matrix measures, logarithmic norms, synchronization, consensus, reaction-diffusion PDEs, partial differential equations.
    This paper presents a condition which guarantees spatial uniformity for the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a reaction diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) with Neumann boundary conditions in one dimension, using the Jacobian matrix of the reaction term and the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of the Laplacian operator on the given spatial domain. The estimates are based on logarithmic norms in non-Hilbert spaces, which allow, in particular for a class of examples of interest in biology, tighter estimates than other previously proposed methods.

  2. E.V. Nikolaev and E.D. Sontag. Quorum-sensing synchronization of synthetic toggle switches: A design based on monotone dynamical systems theory. PLoS Computational Biology, 12:e1004881, 2016. [PDF] Keyword(s): quorum sensing, toggle switches, monotone systems, systems biology.
    Synthetic constructs in biotechnology, bio-computing, and proposed gene therapy interventions are often based on plasmids or transfected circuits which implement some form of on-off (toggle or flip-flop) switch. For example, the expression of a protein used for therapeutic purposes might be triggered by the recognition of a specific combination of inducers (e.g., antigens), and memory of this event should be maintained across a cell population until a specific stimulus commands a coordinated shut-off. The robustness of such a design is hampered by molecular (intrinsic) or environmental (extrinsic) noise, which may lead to spontaneous changes of state in a subset of the population and is reflected in the bimodality of protein expression, as measured for example using flow cytometry. In this context, a majority-vote correction circuit, which brings deviant cells back into the required state, is highly desirable. To address this concrete challenge, we have developed a new theoretical design for quorum-sensing (QS) synthetic toggles. QS provides a way for cells to broadcast their states to the population as a whole so as to facilitate consensus. Our design is endowed with strong theoretical guarantees, based on monotone dynamical systems theory, of global stability and no oscillations, and which leads to robust consensus states.

  3. Z. Aminzare and E.D. Sontag. Synchronization of diffusively-connected nonlinear systems: results based on contractions with respect to general norms. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 1(2):91-106, 2014. [PDF] Keyword(s): matrix measures, logarithmic norms, synchronization, consensus, contractions, contractive systems.
    Contraction theory provides an elegant way to analyze the behavior of certain nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we discuss the application of contraction to synchronization of diffusively interconnected components described by nonlinear differential equations. We provide estimates of convergence of the difference in states between components, in the cases of line, complete, and star graphs, and Cartesian products of such graphs. We base our approach on contraction theory, using matrix measures derived from norms that are not induced by inner products. Such norms are the most appropriate in many applications, but proofs cannot rely upon Lyapunov-like linear matrix inequalities, and different techniques, such as the use of the Perron-Frobenious Theorem in the cases of L1 or L-infinity norms, must be introduced.

  4. E.D. Sontag. Contractive systems with inputs. In Jan Willems, Shinji Hara, Yoshito Ohta, and Hisaya Fujioka, editors, Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing, pages 217-228. Springer-verlag, 2010. [PDF] Keyword(s): contractions, contractive systems, consensus, synchronization.
    Contraction theory provides an elegant way of analyzing the behaviors of systems subject to external inputs. Under sometimes easy to check hypotheses, systems can be shown to have the incremental stability property that all trajectories converge to a unique solution. This property is especially interesting when forcing functions are periodic (globally attracting limit cycles result), as well as in the context of establishing synchronization results. The present paper provides a self-contained introduction to some basic results, with a focus on contractions with respect to non-Euclidean metrics.



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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 23:56:58 2024
Author: sontag.

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