Publications by Eduardo D. Sontag in year 1981
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. R.T. Bumby, E.D. Sontag, H.J. Sussmann, and W. Vasconcelos. Remarks on the pole-shifting problem over rings. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 20(2):113-127, 1981. [PDF] Keyword(s): systems over rings, parametric classes of systems, systems over rings.
    Problems that appear in trying to extend linear control results to systems over rings R have attracted considerable attention lately. This interest has been due mainly to applications-oriented motivations (in particular, dealing with delay-differential equations), and partly to a purely algebraic interest. Given a square n-matrix F and an n-row matrix G. pole-shifting problems consist in obtaining more or less arbitrary characteristic polynomials for F+GK, for suitable ("feedback") matrices K. A review of known facts is given, various partial results are proved, and the case n=2 is studied in some detail.

  2. E.D. Sontag. Conditions for abstract nonlinear regulation. Inform. and Control, 51(2):105-127, 1981. [PDF] Keyword(s): feedback stabilization, nonlinear systems, real-analytic functions.
    A paper that introduces a separation principle for general finite dimensional analytic continuous-time systems, proving the equivalence between existence of an output regulator (which is an abstract dynamical system) and certain "0-detectability" and asymptotic controllability assumptions.

  3. E.D. Sontag. Nonlinear regulation: the piecewise linear approach. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 26(2):346-358, 1981. [PDF] Keyword(s): hybrid systems.
    Development of an approach to nonlinear control based on mixtures of linear systems and finite automata. File obtained by scanning.

Conference articles
  1. P.P. Khargonekar and E.D. Sontag. On the relation between stable matrix fraction decompositions and regulable realizations of systems over rings. In Proc. IEEE Conf.Dec. and Control, San Diego, Dec. 1981, pages 1006-1011, 1981. Keyword(s): systems over rings, parametric classes of systems.

Internal reports
  1. E.D. Sontag and D.E. Stevenson. Remarks on multi-server, multi-priority queuing models related to MVS job scheduling. Technical report TM-81-45281-1, Bell Telephone Labs., 1981.



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Author: sontag.

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