Publications about 'biochemical reaction networks'
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. H. Hong, J. Kim, M.A. Al-Radhawi, E.D. Sontag, and J. K. Kim. Derivation of stationary distributions of biochemical reaction networks via structure transformation. Communications Biology, 4:620-, 2021. [PDF] Keyword(s): stationary distribution, chemical reaction networks, network translation, biochemical reaction networks, chemical master equation, stochastic, probabilistic, systems biology.
    Long-term behaviors of biochemical reaction networks (BRNs) are described by steady states in deterministic models and stationary distributions in stochastic models. Unlike deterministic steady states, stationary distributions capturing inherent fluctuations of reactions are extremely difficult to derive analytically due to the curse of dimensionality. Here, we develop a method to derive analytic stationary distributions from deterministic steady states by transforming BRNs to have a special dynamic property, called complex balancing. Specifically, we merge nodes and edges of BRNs to match in- and out-flows of each node. This allows us to derive the stationary distributions of a large class of BRNs, including autophosphorylation networks of EGFR, PAK1, and Aurora B kinase and a genetic toggle switch. This reveals the unique properties of their stochastic dynamics such as robustness, sensitivity, and multimodality. Importantly, we provide a user-friendly computational package, CASTANET, that automatically derives symbolic expressions of the stationary distributions of BRNs to understand their long-term stochasticity.

  2. M.A. Al-Radhawi, D. Angeli, and E.D. Sontag. A computational framework for a Lyapunov-enabled analysis of biochemical reaction networks. PLoS Computational Biology, pp 16(2): e1007681, 2020. [PDF] Keyword(s): MAPK cascades, Lyapunov functions, stability, chemical networks, chemical rection networks, systems biology, RFM, ribosome flow model.
    This paper deals with the analysis of the dynamics of chemical reaction networks, developing a theoretical framework based only on graphical knowledge and applying regardless of the particular form of kinetics. This paper introduces a class of networks that are "structurally (mono) attractive", by which we mean that they are incapable of exhibiting multiple steady states, oscillation, or chaos by the virtue of their reaction graphs. These networks are characterized by the existence of a universal energy-like function which we call a Robust Lyapunov function (RLF). To find such functions, a finite set of rank-one linear systems is introduced, which form the extremals of a linear convex cone. The problem is then reduced to that of finding a common Lyapunov function for this set of extremals. Based on this characterization, a computational package, Lyapunov-Enabled Analysis of Reaction Networks (LEARN), is provided that constructs such functions or rules out their existence. An extensive study of biochemical networks demonstrates that LEARN offers a new unified framework. We study basic motifs, three-body binding, and transcriptional networks. We focus on cellular signalling networks including various post-translational modification cascades, phosphotransfer and phosphorelay networks, T-cell kinetic proofreading, ERK signaling, and the Ribosome Flow Model.

  3. J. K. Kim and E.D. Sontag. Reduction of multiscale stochastic biochemical reaction networks using exact moment derivation. PLoS Computational Biology, 13:13(6): e1005571, 2017. [PDF] Keyword(s): systems biology, biochemical networks, stochastic systems, chemical master equation, chemical reaction networks, moments, molecular networks, complex-balanced networks.
    Biochemical reaction networks in cells frequently consist of reactions with disparate timescales. Stochastic simulations of such multiscale BRNs are prohibitively slow due to the high computational cost incurred in the simulations of fast reactions. One way to resolve this problem is to replace fast species by their stationary conditional expectation values conditioned on slow species. While various approximations schemes for this quasi-steady state approximation have been developed, they often lead to considerable errors. This paper considers two classes of multiscale BRNs which can be reduced by through an exact QSS rather than approximations. Specifically, we assume that fast species constitute either a feedforward network or a complex balanced network. Exact reductions for various examples are derived, and the computational advantages of this approach are illustrated through simulations.

  4. G. Craciun, C. Pantea, and E.D. Sontag. Graph-theoretic analysis of multistability and monotonicity for biochemical reaction networks. In H. Koeppl, G. Setti, M. di Bernardo, and D. Densmore, editors, Design and Analysis of Biomolecular Circuits, pages 63-72. Springer-Verlag, 2011. [PDF] Keyword(s): biochemical networks, monotone systems.
    This is a short expository article describing how the species-reaction graph (SR graph) can be used to analyze both multistability and monotonicity of biochemical networks.

  5. D. Angeli, P. de Leenheer, and E.D. Sontag. Chemical networks with inflows and outflows: A positive linear differential inclusions approach. Biotechnology Progress, 25:632-642, 2009. [PDF] Keyword(s): biochemical networks, fluxes, differential inclusions, positive systems, Petri nets, persistence, switched systems.
    Certain mass-action kinetics models of biochemical reaction networks, although described by nonlinear differential equations, may be partially viewed as state-dependent linear time-varying systems, which in turn may be modeled by convex compact valued positive linear differential inclusions. A result is provided on asymptotic stability of such inclusions, and applied to biochemical reaction networks with inflows and outflows. Included is also a characterization of exponential stability of general homogeneous switched systems

  6. M. Arcak and E.D. Sontag. A passivity-based stability criterion for a class of interconnected systems and applications to biochemical reaction networks. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 5:1-19, 2008. Note: Also, preprint: arxiv0705.3188v1 [q-bio], May 2007. [PDF] Keyword(s): MAPK cascades, systems biology, biochemical networks, cyclic feedback systems, secant condition, nonlinear stability, dynamical systems.
    This paper presents a stability test for a class of interconnected nonlinear systems motivated by biochemical reaction networks. One of the main results determines global asymptotic stability of the network from the diagonal stability of a "dissipativity matrix" which incorporates information about the passivity properties of the subsystems, the interconnection structure of the network, and the signs of the interconnection terms. This stability test encompasses the "secant criterion" for cyclic networks presented in our previous paper, and extends it to a general interconnection structure represented by a graph. A second main result allows one to accommodate state products. This extension makes the new stability criterion applicable to a broader class of models, even in the case of cyclic systems. The new stability test is illustrated on a mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade model, and on a branched interconnection structure motivated by metabolic networks. Finally, another result addresses the robustness of stability in the presence of diffusion terms in a compartmental system made out of identical systems.

Conference articles
  1. M. Arcak and E.D. Sontag. A passivity-based stability criterion for a class of interconnected systems and applications to biochemical reaction networks. In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, New Orleans, Dec. 2007, pages 4477-4482, 2007. Note: Conference version of journal paper with same title. Keyword(s): systems biology, biochemical networks, cyclic feedback systems, secant condition, nonlinear stability, dynamical systems.



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Last modified: Fri Sep 20 11:51:28 2024
Author: sontag.

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